Gradle Events

Hi %%firstName%%,

Thank you for coming to speak with us at the Gradle booth during .droidconSF 2017.

We know you’ve suffered from slow builds for far too long, and we hope Android Studio 3.0 has improved your situation, and we will continue to make whatever improvements we can.

Upgrading Gradle and the Android Gradle Plugin will only get you part of the way to blazing fast Android builds. Your custom tasks and plugins will need to take advantage of the new Gradle Build Cache and Worker API for increased work avoidance and parallelism.

Hans and Cesar talked about “Optimizing Android Build Performance” and how Twitter uses Gradle Enterprise to improve developer productivity. To learn more about features like remote caching and usefulness of Gradle Enterprise check out a video here, or easily try it out locally using a VM.

Looking forward to seeing you at future Android conferences!

– The Gradle Team


Gradle Inc. | ‌ 2261 Market Street #4081 ‌ | ‌ San Francisco, CA 94114 ‌
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