Gradle Newsletter, February 2018 ======== Welcome to the February Newsletter! In this issue, we'll cover just-released [Gradle 4.6][1] and [Gradle Enterprise 2018.1][2], then deep dive into using the [build cache with Kotlin][3] projects. ## From the community We ❤️ you Gradle community! Thank you for your blog posts and contributions! * [Reproducible Builds in Java][4] — In this post, Maria Camenzuli demonstrates the value of reproducible builds, and explains how to make your Java build reproducible using Gradle. * [Renaming Your Gradle Build Files][5] — Philippe Breault proposes a naming convention for `.gradle` scripts that makes it obvious which subproject each one configures. * [Dockerizing a Spring Boot application][6] and [Integration testing using containers][7] — 2 great blog posts about using Docker with Gradle, by Ben Muschko. * [Setting Up a Microservices Architecture with Spring Boot and Gradle][8] — Akash Bhingole explains and codifies microservices architecture through an example using Spring Boot and Gradle. * [Kotlin + buildSrc for Better Gradle Dependency Management][9] — In this article, Sam Edwards achieves IDE completion for a set of dependencies by declaring Kotlin constants under `buildSrc` — very clever. _Have a blog post or plugin you'd like to see featured here? Just send us an email with the details to [][10]._ --- ## Gradle 4.6 [Gradle 4.6][1] is a big release. * JUnit Platform (aka JUnit 5) Support * `--fail-fast` for Test tasks * Custom command-line flags for custom tasks * Experimental BOM and optional dependencies support * Customizable metadata file resolution * Improved Visual Studio support for multi-project builds * Kotlin DSL [support for init scripts][11] There is more. We could scarcely fit the highlights into [this 53-second video][12]; better to check the [Gradle 4.6 release notes](( --- ## Gradle Enterprise 2018.1 [Gradle Enterprise 2018.1][2] features seamless support for [composite builds][13], a powerful mechanism for combining or splitting Gradle builds. When using build scan plugin 0.12.1+, you will see: * Included builds in the project view * Tasks from included builds in the tasks view * Which dependencies were substituted by an included build More details are available in the [release notes][2]. --- ## Kotlin Build Caching [Kotlin 1.2.21][14] provides support for Gradle's build cache. You can enable the build cache for your Kotlin projects by following [this blog post][3]. Build caching is particularly effective when a CI instance populates a shared, remote build cache. Community members have written 2 tutorials for doing just that: * [Speed up your Build with Gradle Remote Build Cache][15] * [Using Gradle Build Cache Server][16] --- ## Upcoming online training - Mar 13-14: [Introduction to Gradle][17] - Apr 17-20: [Advanced Gradle Fundamentals for Java/JVM][18] - Anytime: [Maximizing Developer Productivity with Gradle Enterprise][19] Until next time! —The Gradle Team -- Gradle Inc. 325 9th Street San Francisco, CA 94103 %%unsubscribe%% (Unsubscribe from future Gradle emails) [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: [14]: [15]: [16]: [17]: "Introduction to Gradle" [18]: "Advanced Gradle Fundamentals for Java/JVM" [19]: "Maximizing Developer Productivity with Gradle Enterprise"