Gradle Newsletter, April 2020 ======== Welcome to the April 2020 Gradle Build Tool newsletter. This newsletter covers the [Gradle 6.4 RC1][1] release and the unveiling of [Distributed Testing][2]. INFO: We have published an [important security update][3] for plugin authors publishing to the Plugin Portal. ## Plugin News The [Test Retry Gradle Plugin][4] is now 1.1.5 and includes some helpful bug fixes for Spock, JUnit, and TestNG users as well as integration with the soon to be released Distributed Testing Plugin. The [Maven Plugin Development Gradle Plugin][5], a new Gradle plugin for authoring Maven plugins, is now available on the Plugin Portal. Projecktor users will be happy to know that a [Gradle Projektor Plugin][6] is available to publish test reports automatically to a Projektor server. ## Ideas and Insights JAXenter published [Gradle 6: Dependency-Management reloaded][7] an article (in German 🇩🇪) by Gradle engineer Jendrik Johannes about the exciting Dependency Management features in Gradle 6.0 and beyond. ## Latest Gradle Release The long-awaited [support for Java Modules][8] is coming in Gradle 6.4. The [6.4 release candidate][1] also contains [precompiled Groovy DSL script plugins][9] for better build logic organization and [a single lock file per project][10] resulting in fewer lock files in projects using dependency locking. Please try out [Gradle 6.4 RC1][1] and [file an issue on GitHub][11] if you encounter any bugs. ## New Technology: Distributed Testing Does your team suffer from long feedback times because of slow running tests? Does your CI pipeline spend several hours executing tests? In [this webcast][2] from Gradle engineers Marc Philipp and Benedikt Ritter, you'll learn what strategies organizations currently employ to mitigate slow tests and how to speed up test execution by distributing tests across different remote agents, a feature coming soon in Gradle Enterprise 2020.2. ## Upcoming Events * __May 07__ 9:00 am PT (2.5 hours): [Hands-On Workshop: Maximize Developer Productivity with Fast and Reliable Gradle and Maven Builds][12] * __May 12-13__ 8:30 am PT (4 hours each day): [Training: Intro to Gradle][13] * __Jun 19__ 9:00 (3.5 hours): [Training: Gradle Build Cache Deep Dive][14] ---- _If you have some news you’d like us to share in the next issue, use `#gradle` on Twitter or send us an email with the details to [][15]._ Until next time! —The Gradle Team -- Gradle Inc. 325 9th Street San Francisco, CA 94103 {{EmailPreferenceCenter}} (Unsubscribe from future Gradle emails) [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: [14]: [15]: